7 thoughts on “One Click Login Logout Cisco Extension Mobility”

  1. Since the URL hardcodes the MAC, ID and PIn, does that mean this service is meant for just 1 user ? How does it work when there are 100s of logged out phones and EM users in the cluster ?

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for this post. Perhaps something I can contribute. I dived into this some time ago and it looks to me as if this is only an option in secure environment with trustworthy staff since basically anyone can use the feature if he or she has access to the device?
    In case this is not a preferred option (flexoffices, callcenters with just too many staff and fluctations or other security considerations) there may be an alternative. I linked their site details, it is software which basically synchronises the login of a laptop or computer with the phone at that same desk. So, whenever someone opens his/her laptop, the phone is logged in as well. As soon as he/she closes the laptop (or in hibernate or any other ‘inactive’ state), the desktop phone is logged out again.
    Details you find at https://www.rsconnect.net/en/solutions/alm-overview/alm-pro/. Perhaps it helps.
    Kind regards, Wim

    1. Hey Wim,
      I feel that the solution provided by rsconnect is of a great use. It will help to avoid unnecessary/unauthorized logins to the IP Phone. If you are the owner of this great tool, you can submit an article at administrator@uccollabing.com and i would publish the same on your behalf. This would help visitors to have a look and use this tool.

  3. Pingback: cisco em

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