CUCM COP File Installation
Planning to install COP Files in CUCM? COP files like ciscocm.version3-keys.cop.sgn, ciscocm.refresh_upgrade_v1.5.cop.sgn, ciscocm.vmware-disk-size-reallocation-1.0.cop.sgn or any other COP or Locale? This is quite easy and simple task.
How to install COP Files?
- Download COP files from Cisco Website. If you are doing an upgrade, you may need refresh upgrade cop file. (Check upgrade documentation)
- Copy the cop file into a SFTP directory
- Login to Cisco Unified Communications Manager – Cisco Unified Operating System Administration
- Go to Software Upgrades > Install Upgrade >
- Enter the SFTP Information like directory where COP File is stored, username and password information.
- Click on Next
- Select the COP File from the drop down menu
- Click on Next
- Validate MD5 value
- Click on Next
- Once the COP file is installed, it will show as successful/unsuccessful.
- You may have to reboot the server based on the COP file you have installed. Check COP file Read Me.
Cisco has introduced new RSA keys that are being used to sign in CUCM releases to improve software integrity protection. The COP files will have K3 in the file name such as – cmterm-69xxSCCP.9-4-1-3ES10.k3.cop.sgn or cmterm-88xx-sip.10-2-2ES-10.k3.cop.sgn. To install the COP files which are signed with k3 keys, you must have ciscocm.version3-keys.cop.sgn installed first on some CUCM releases (if not already installed), and new CUCM releases will not accept non K3 files.
Note :- Few COP files has to be installed first on Publisher after that on all subscriber, and cluster reboot may be required. To be sure is it necessary to install them on all nodes, just check the Read Me file.
Hope this helps!

I am working in an IT company and having 10+ years of experience into Cisco IP Telephony and Contact Center. I have worked on products like CUCM, CUC, UCCX, CME/CUE, IM&P, Voice Gateways, VG224, Gatekeepers, Attendant Console, Expressway, Mediasense, Asterisk, Microsoft Teams, Zoom etc. I am not an expert but i keep exploring whenever and wherever i can and share whatever i know. You can visit my LinkedIn profile by clicking on the icon below.
“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” ― Bill Nye
Be careful with *cop files. Some of them should be install 1st on publisher after that on all subscriber, and cluster reboot is required. To be sure is it necessary to install them on all nodes, just check the Read Me file.
Thanks Zdravko,
I have added your comments as a note. This will definitely help the engineers to ensure that they follow the steps correctly as per Read Me document.
Hi Zdravko,
Is mandatory to install first on publisher for all CUCM versions?
Hello claudio,
COP files has to be installed on all the servers including Publisher. Ideally every one install this first on Publisher and then Subscribers. I could not find a document which says it has to be mandatory installed on Publisher first and then subscribers.
What is the COP?
How it does work ? Why we need it?